Brussels trip revisited – City Mine(d)

City Mine(d) –  “City Mine(d) gathers diverse coalitions of citizens, public authorities, academia and the business world in order to build prototypes as solutions to social challenges.”

I have recently revisited the audio recording of our interesting talk from Jim @ City Mine(d) which was one of the most inspiring parts of our visit to Brussels last October. Jim discussed their origins in abandoned buildings and showcasing artistic talent & expression. Their work takes the form of urban interventions, action research projects and they try to influence policy at a European level through localised action and through establishing a network of like-minded people and projects.

CityMine(d) methodology utilises the creation of prototypes.  The building of the prototype itself is a process, usually taking 2/3 years with the aim of weighing on policy.

“Bottom linked” rather than bottom up organisational structures.




The creation of a prototype is the motive for bringing together a diverse group of people. City Mine(d) refers to this group as “a coalition”. The practical focus on realising the prototype involves individuals from different backgrounds, interests or convictions who would otherwise never sit together. In the course of the project, the “coalition” becomes a place where these different people develop a common understanding of a topical issue; a forum where other related issues can also be raised; and a group that from the shared experience can take a common position in public or political debate.

The prototype and its coalition are also a way to challenge consensus in culture, politics and also industry. City Mine(d) believe that consensus is always exclusive. Their projects are emblematic with the title or image of the project coming before the City Mine(d) name or previous works.

City Min(d) have proved to be an interesting precedent study of how to structure architectural interventions starting with a prototype. This process has been good to reflect on as i design my own interventions based around artists and production within an previously abandoned building within Brussels.












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